· We can also ship to another country. Please write to us with your address to get a shipping price.
· We are not responsible for any custom clearance that could be required by your country.
· It is the purchaser's responsibility to make sure the shipping address is correct and that the porcelain will be accepted at the address provided to us. We are not responsible for deliveries refused because of an incorrect address. You may be charged additional shipping if the porcelain needs to be rerouted or returned because of an error on the customer's part.
· The production process depends of how long it takes to receive your photo. Once we receive it, it takes 2-5 days to be ready to ship.
· Shipping time is approx 1-2 weeks depending on your location.
Send us your photo to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Or put it in mail and send it to us at the address provided in the contact section of the website.
Please don't forget to add your order number
with your photo.
Thank you !